In this delicious, gluten free, vegetarian scone, the feta is worked into the flour with the butter, eggs, and sour cream for a savory, creamy cheese flavor in every bite. Best served warm out of the oven, and they will keep on the counter (covered) at room temperature for a couple of days. Perfect for brunch, afternoon snacks, or serve for dinner with a salad.
Prep Time: 20 minutes | Baking Time: 12 minutes
Swap 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary for the ½ cup chopped dill.
Browse our recipe catalogue, containing more than 100 teff recipes!
The Teff Company grows Maskal Teff in the western USA, a non-GMO gluten-free grain that’s a superfood full of high quality complex carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and fiber. Teff is an ancient grain native to Ethiopia and Eritrea. Explore our website to learn more about teff. Learn how to make traditional injera or discover 100s of teff recipes from breakfasts to desserts.