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In a large mixing bowl, add flours and whisk to blend. Make a well in the flour mix. Pour in the egg mixture and olive oil; using a fork, whisk together gradually until a tough, shaggy dough forms. Turn onto a clean work surface and knead until the dough is smooth and supple about 6-10 minutes. Wrap tightly with plastic and chill for at least 4 hours, up to 14.

Remove from the refrigerator and let sit for 30 minutes.

Divide into four pieces and roll each into a long rectangle using a generous amount of teff flour to prevent sticking. If you have a pasta roller you can use it. You can also easily do this with a rolling pin!* The thickness is up to you. The noodles will expand slightly when cooked, so go as thin as you can for a less toothsome noodle, or for a more chewy texture you can leave the dough thicker.

Fold the rectangles in half or in ripples and trim the edges for a clean look. You can leave the edges if you prefer not to waste them. Cut ⅛“ strips and place on a floured baking sheet.

Bring 4 quarts of water and ¼ cup salt to boil in a large pot, add the pasta, and cook for 2-3 minutes or until the pasta is chewy, but not soft.

In the beginning, try to roll from the middle rather than the outer sides of your pieces, letting the center become thin and the edges stay thick until you are ready to even everything out. You may find a rolling pin without handles easier to use, simplifying the work of keeping the dough uniform.

Hands rolling teff dough with rolling pin


1 cup ivory or brown Maskal teff flour

¾ cup all-purpose flour

4 eggs, lightly beaten

2 tablespoons olive oil

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